
The four seasons are matters of attention aerobic fitness exercise can enhance physical fitness, but also can prevent many diseases, t25 calendar is good but no harm. But notable is, after exercise should pay attention to the correct way to rest.1 not sitting rest exercise if immediately sat down to rest, may hinder limb blood circulation, affecting blood circulation, enhance the body fatigue. t25 free download The condition was more common in those relatively large amount of exercise activities, such as running. The correct approach is in every time after exercise, do some relaxation, organize activities, such as slow, Shu legs etc.. 2 don't sweat cold bath (or swimming) exercise after sweating, body surface telangiectasia, body heat a large number of distribution.t25 reviews At this time when the cold water will lead to sudden contraction capillaries, easy to make the body resistance is reduced, cause disease.Heart 3 not "omitted" consolidation exercise after feeling are spent, should be appropriate to relax, such as walking, calisthenics, relaxing massage, can help to eliminate muscle fatigue, rapid restoration of physical strength. 4 not greedy cold exercise will lose a lot of heat, t25 meal plan so be without rebuke. But after the human digestive system is still in the state of suppression, a lot of cold greedy, extremely easy to cause gastrointestinal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and easily induced gastrointestinal diseases. 5 don't eat in the movement, systemic blood redistribution, the gastrointestinal motility weakened, the secretion of various digestive gland is also greatly reduced, if not the rest immediately after exercise to eat, it is easy to cause disorders and functional disorders, the human digestive system diseases. t25 alpha cardio The respiratory rate of 6 is not smoking, the body to ensure sufficient oxygen intake. If smoking immediately after exercise, will reduce the oxygen content of the lung, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dyspnea, dizziness, fatigue and other phenomena. 7 not drop temperature if the outdoor temperature is higher, the movement will feel hot, if immediately into the air conditioning room or air cooling and rest, will break the normal physiological function, make physiology function disorder, easy to get cold, t25 beta phase diarrhea, asthma, cold arthralgia disease. 8 should not be immediately hot shower fitness, body blood distribution in the limbs and body, if immediately wash a hot bath, can increase blood flow to the heart, body, caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, there is risk of heart, cerebrovascular accident.

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